Archive for the ‘Edmonton Luxury Homes’ Category

You Ask, We Answer: When is the Right Time to Upgrade to a Larger Home

Monday, November 27th, 2017

Upgrading to a Larger Home – Are you ready?

Many homebuyers face the question of size when looking for their next home. Do they downsize, stay the same, or upgrade to a larger home? To help answer this question, here are some factors to take into consideration when determining if you should upgrade to a larger home.



With larger homes come more financial responsibility. Typically larger homes will come with a larger mortgage, repair/maintenance, utilities, and insurance payments as well as increased property taxes. Are you ready financially for these larger expenses? Take into account these estimated expenses when going over your household budget. Remember, ideally you’ll want to be able to maintain a comfortable quality of life and still be able to save for the future when these larger expenses are taken into account with your budget.


Down Payments

There is a need in most cases during the property buying process to make a down payment and to pay for closing costs. You should include these expenses in your estimations while keeping in mind that selling the existing property and accessing equity will yield most or all of the funds that are needed to make a new purchase. Working with a real estate professional and a mortgage broker will help you to get more information about these two factors before making a sound financial decision.


When the time is right for you to upgrade to a larger home, you should consider working with an experienced real estate agent to sell your existing property and help you in the process of buying a new home.

Selling Your Home – Why Edmonton Open Houses Work!

Friday, November 16th, 2012

So you’ve decided to sell your home, congratulations! With the help of Edmonton’s trusted real estate group, Edmonton Home Pros, we know you’ll sell your home for top dollar. How? Through support, complimentary home evaluations, and our knowledgeable team of agents who help you every step of the way. We are also firm believers in hosting an extensive open house. A picture says 1,000 words, but an open house leaves you speechless.
