Colour Series – Red & Blue
What do the colours in your Edmonton home say about you? Whether you are thinking about painting a room or redecorating- the colour palette you choose will set the atmosphere and tone. Before you start making any major furniture or paint purchases, allow Stephen Lau and the Edmonton Home pros team show you colours and their meanings in Edmonton homes.
We conclude this series with fire and ice, two powerful tones that evoke different feelings.
Red: If you want to make an impression on a room of your Edmonton home, we recommend you add a splash of Red. By placing it in strategic locations, eyes will be drawn to certain features of your room. Add a Red pillow or bedding to accentuate the couch. Not only is Red the colour of romance and passion, but it has also been proven to stimulate appetite. Add hints of Red to your dining room for a Victorian feel. For a toned down look, choose earth tones such as brick Red or cinnamon.
Blue: Who said Blue is for Boys? Over the years, Blue has proven to be an appealing tone to both Men and Women. Many Edmonton Homeowners choose to place Blue in bathrooms as it promotes a fresh and invigorating feel. Many interior stylists also recommend placing soft Blues in bedrooms for a soothing and relaxing ambiance. For a classic colour combination, pair Blue and White together.
We hope this colour series helped you better understand colours and their functionality. If you’re still hesitant or unsure about the colour scheme to use on the walls of your Edmonton Home, consider hiring a colour consultant. These professionals have a strong understanding of colour psychology and will help you dress your home’s interior and exterior.
For more great tips and advice on caring for your Edmonton home, trust the Edmonton Home Pros team. Whether you’re looking to buy or sell Edmonton real estate, let Stephen Lau and his team be your guides.