Summer Lawn Care Tips

For many Edmonton homeowners having a lush, green lawn is a rewarding benefit. As the summer months approach, homeowners who are looking to sell will want to enhance their home’s curb appeal. Stephen Lau and his Edmonton Real Estate team know that a home’s curb appeal begins with a good lawn, and proper lawn care begins with healthy soil. Looking to enhance your property’s curb appeal, read the tips we have put together below on how to get a great looking lawn, while promoting a healthy natural environment.

Green Fertilizers
Lawn Care Using a compost fertilizer promotes beneficial bacterial growth and leaching. If you are set on using a synthetic fertilizer select a slow-release fertilizer, so it can provide your lawn with all the necessary ingredients over a longer period. Keep in mind that synthetic fertilizers come with a hidden label: do not use until the soil temperature has reached above 20 C. If you apply a synthetic fertilizer prematurely, the product will quickly run off during the next rainfall.

Thatch can be easily removed using a fan rake. If heavy and excess Thatch is present, some lawns may require the use of a power rake.

Thatch is a buildup of organic matter which can include, dead grass leaves, stems, stolons, rhizomes and overcrowded grass roots and lateral weed growth. Thatch can stifle the growth and health of grass or turf. Definition from Wikipedia.

One of the great things about thatching is that it does not need to be done yearly.

Control Weeds
Don’t reach for the herbicide at the first sign on weeds! Your attempt at destroying the weeds in your garden could destroy your lawn, or damage the ecosystem around it. Hand dig the weeds that appear in your lawn using a weeder – there are many types of weeders on the market, and are easy to find – especially during Spring.

AerateSummer Lawn Care
The aeration process brings C02 and special nutrients into the roots of the grass – promoting better lawn growth. If your lawn is growing sparse, or water is pooling in some areas, you need to aerate. For DIYers: head to the nearest nursery and rent a core aerator – offer to share the machine with a neighbour over the weekend to keep costs down.

Creating your own compost soils easy, simply create a compost heap inside a sealed container and collect non-animal based kitchen scraps – the sun and nature will take care of the rest. Good compost scraps include: banana peels, coffee grounds, tea bags, or food leftovers. The magic ratio is half and half: half green (grass clippings, green table scraps, or green seaweed) and half brown (plants that have wilted and gone brown, brown leaves).

When searching for Edmonton homes for sale, look no further than Stephen Lau and the Edmonton Home Pros team. Their extensive area knowledge and passion for the industry is unsurpassed, contact Stephen today for more information.

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