Spring Cleaning For Your Edmonton Home

Spring Cleaning is more than scrubbing your home spotless.

Decluttering is the key to an effective Spring Cleaning, both in our Edmonton home and in your Edmonton office. Stephen Lau and the Edmonton Home Pro’s team has put together a handy 4 step Spring Cleaning Guide for your Edmonton home and office.

Edmonton Homes - Spring Cleaning

  1. Eliminate Clutter. You must first determine what parts of your home are “clutter-spots.” Whether it’s the side table or the dining room table, every Edmonton homeowner has clutter piles in their homes- usually located on a flat surface. Clear out these areas of your home and replace the space with a decorative vase or plant. Place the clutter culprits in storage, recycling, or the garbage, or establish tactics to contain the clutter. For tips on how to contain the clutter see step two.
  2. Contain The Clutter. Stay organized by using trays, baskets, or vases for small items such as change, keys, or pens. Be sure to encourage your family’s participation in using the “communal key-holder.”
  3. Don’t Forget About The Kitchen. Remember the saying, “out of sight, out of mind?” When Spring Cleaning, people tend to forget about their pantries and kitchens. Sort through your pantry shelves and toss out any expired items. This pantry tactic, will also help prevent you from over-buying next time you’re at the grocery store. If you want to be as organized as possible,take an inventory of what you have and what you will need for the week ahead.
  4. Hire Extra Help. If your budget allows, hire a cleaning company for a detailed Spring Cleaning. During the months of April and May, many Edmonton homeowners are doing their Spring Cleaning, as a result many cleaning companies will have promotions. Compare prices and see who is willing to do a detailed cleaning i.e: Baseboards, blinds, windows, and chandeliers.

There are many items in your home which could be donated, recycled or even thrown out. Start your 2013 Spring with a clean, organized, and de-cluttered Edmonton home. Stay tuned to Part 2 of this series: Spring Cleaning For Your Edmonton Office.

Have any cleaning tips of your own? Comment below!

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